
Hands of Necromancy – 2.0.0, ARM, x86 (64-bit)


  • Version: 2.0.0
  • Developer: HON Team
  • Release date: 20 июня 2022
  • Interface language: English
  • Voice languages: Musical accompaniment
  • Tested: macOS Ventura, MacBook Air (M1. 2020)
  • Architecture: ARM, x86 (64-bit)


You are a necromancer: a solitary sorcerer who strives to become even more powerful and learn new forms of dark magic. You’re looking for opponents to take on to hone your unholy craft. You destroy many monsters and wild creatures, but none of them seem truly worth fighting…

However, one fine day, new creatures suddenly enter your world. You know something bad is happening, but perhaps this is an opportunity to prove your strength and show the world that you truly are the formidable magician you always thought you were.

Explore a variety of beautiful locations – countryside, forest, graveyard, castle, ice cave, volcano and more – all teeming with danger to prove your strength as their inhabitants try to destroy you.

Acquire weapons, cast magical spells, and learn transformations to fight your enemies, using their own abilities against them and bending nature to your will.

Use the Tornado spell to blow enemies away, or the Ring of Ice, to freeze them, or even an Unholy Hand Grenade to blow them to smithereens!

As your power grows, you can transform into a swamp serpent that can sneak into tight spaces by breathing underwater, or a stonebreaker golem that breaks walls into small pieces, a burnt demon that calmly walks on lava, or even a flying wyvern!

All of them are your key to defeating the many creatures in this metroidvania as you explore 21 maps in 3 huge and exciting centers!

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How to install and activate?

Unpack the archive and follow the standard installation procedure. Installation ends with choosing a location to place the game. It is recommended to specify the Applications folder.

Is the program damaged? Broken file? Or other errors?

There are a lot of errors, everything won’t fit here. Therefore, we described all the solutions (with pictures) in the article: Errors when installing applications on Mac

How to update? Officially? What will happen to activation?

Official updates may result in loss of activation, unless otherwise stated in the installation instructions. To update the software from this site, you must download a new version of this software here (if available) and install it on top (with replacement) of the version installed on your computer. In this case, you will save the activation and settings of this software. Read more in the article: Updating pirated applications

How to download? Link not working? What kind of .torrent?

To download large files, it is recommended to use any download manager, for example, FDM (Free Download Manager). To download from a FO like, it is not recommended to use the Safari browser. Use, for example, Google Chrome, or the aforementioned FDM. To download files via torrent (.torrent file), you must have a torrent client, for example, Transmission, or the aforementioned FDM. Do not forget that providers may block access to some sites (, etc.); to bypass blocking, it is recommended to use a VPN.

Update has been released. When will you update the version?

The site administration does not hack anything. This is what release groups and some enthusiasts do. Availability of updates depends on them. But you can break the software yourself by starting to study reverse engineering

Add… Where is the order table?

Definitely not in the comments. The site administration does not hack anything, there is no order desk. But you can order (not for free) the necessary software in a special thread on

How to change the language?

Open System Settings -> General > Language and Region -> Applications – “+”. Select an application and language. The method is relevant for most applications. The language in Adobe products is usually selected during the installation of the product itself. The language in games is usually changed in the settings of the game itself. There are exceptions. Feel free to search for information on the Internet.

How to delete?

There are many options. The easiest one is to use special utilities to remove applications, for example, App Cleaner & Uninstaller. And to remove Adobe products, use the Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool

Need help?

The site has a paid service – remote assistance (via AnyDesk, Zoom, Skype) with the installation of any applications (not only from this site) on any Mac or PC. Read more…

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