
DUSK – 1.8.1, x86 (64-bit)


  • Version: 1.8.1
  • Developer: David Szymanski
  • Release date: 10 December 2018
  • Interface language: Russian, English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish, Ukrainian, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese
  • Voice languages: English
  • Architecture: x86 (64-bit)

What’s New

Intruder Edition Upgrade


DUSK is a game in the style of survival in the harsh conditions of the surrounding world. You have to go to a virtual world that was destroyed as a result of a terrible biological disaster. You will find yourself completely alone among a mass of obstacles and problems. Try to be careful in your actions, develop abilities and skills in order to save your life, but this will be very difficult to do. Go explore the world, get food and water, look for useful equipment and weapons to defeat your numerous rivals. Here you have the opportunity to play in two different modes at once, each of which is interesting and unique in its own way. When it comes дневное время ,все игроки отправляются на исследование окружающей местности, находя полезные предметы и укрепляя свои жилища. Но как только наступит темнота, сразу станет очень опасно находится на улице без какого-либо вооружения. Все вокруг будет просторное позднего жуткими тварями и опасными монстрами, победить которых нужно ещё постараться. Действуй быстро и обдумывании каждый шаг, чтобы не оказаться в ловушке у соперника.


DUSK takes you back to a world where if you want to survive until dawn, you must be a master of carnage and bloodshed.

Inspired by Doom, Quake, Blood, Heretic, Hexen, Half -Life, Redneck Rampage and your other favorite hits of the 90s, Dusk will force you to defeat armies of evil forces, swallow the darkness of space and find out what sleeps in the bowels of the Earth.

All actions in DUSK will take place to the metal soundtrack from this talent like Andrew Hulshult.

Three different campaign episodes await you, which were created manually and look like they came straight out of the 90s.

The game challenges you to use a huge arsenal of illegal weapons, including saw blades, two-handed shotguns from 1887, and the incredibly necessary grenade launcher.

In addition to the main campaign, DUSK features an endless survival mode, pitting you against merciless enemies, wave after wave.

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How to install and activate?

Run the downloaded image and follow the standard installation procedure. Installation ends with choosing a location to place the game. It is recommended to specify the Applications folder.

Is the program damaged? Broken file? Or other errors?

There are a lot of errors, everything won’t fit here. Therefore, we described all the solutions (with pictures) in the article: Errors when installing applications on Mac

How to update? Officially? What will happen to activation?

Official updates may result in loss of activation, unless otherwise stated in the installation instructions. To update the software from this site, you must download a new version of this software here (if available) and install it on top (with replacement) of the version installed on your computer. In this case, you will save the activation and settings of this software. Read more in the article: Updating pirated applications

How to download? Link not working? What kind of .torrent?

To download large files, it is recommended to use any download manager, for example, FDM (Free Download Manager). To download from a FO like, it is not recommended to use the Safari browser. Use, for example, Google Chrome, or the aforementioned FDM. To download files via torrent (.torrent file), you must have a torrent client, for example, Transmission, or the aforementioned FDM. Do not forget that providers may block access to some sites (, etc.); to bypass blocking, it is recommended to use a VPN.

Update has been released. When will you update the version?

The site administration does not hack anything. This is what release groups and some enthusiasts do. Availability of updates depends on them. But you can break the software yourself by starting to study reverse engineering

Add… Where is the order table?

Definitely not in the comments. The site administration does not hack anything, there is no order desk. But you can order (not for free) the necessary software in a special thread on

How to change the language?

Open System Settings -> General > Language and Region -> Applications – “+”. Select an application and language. The method is relevant for most applications. The language in Adobe products is usually selected during the installation of the product itself. The language in games is usually changed in the settings of the game itself. There are exceptions. Feel free to search for information on the Internet.

How to delete?

There are many options. The easiest one is to use special utilities to remove applications, for example, App Cleaner & Uninstaller. And to remove Adobe products, use the Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool

Need help?

The site has a paid service – remote assistance (via AnyDesk, Zoom, Skype) with the installation of any applications (not only from this site) on any Mac or PC. Read more…

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